Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chernobyl Today: A Creepy Story told in Pictures

In the zone of alienation in northern Ukraine, Kiev Oblast, near the border with Belarus. Its population had been around 50,000 prior to the accident. Today, the only residents are deer and wolves along with a solitary guard.

Prypiat used to be proud for being home to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant workers.

But something happened on 26 April 1986…

It took three days before all permanent residents of Chernobyl and the Zone of alienation were evacuated due to unsafe levels of radioactivity.

Let the story be told by these magical pictures taken ~20 years later after the accident.

All the texts put in the quotation-marks are mostly the quotations of comments made by the authors of the photos.

(Image credits:Pedro Moura Pinheiro

“The sign on the road to Pripyat, the town where the workers of the nuclear plant lived.”