Monday, April 20, 2009

What is Safe Plastic Surgery?

The popularity of plastic surgery in Los Angeles is increasing. As a plastic surgeon, I am frequently asked by my patients whether plastic surgery is 100 % safe.

No plastic surgeon or any other type of surgeon can guarantee 100% safety. Many things that we do in life carry a possible risk of complications. For example, there is a risk of injury when driving cars, flying on airplanes, skiing etc. However, there are effective ways to minimize the risk of plastic surgery complications.

First of all, it is important to know that your plastic surgeon is a true plastic surgeon. Not every surgeon who performs plastic surgery completed a plastic surgery residency. Your plastic surgeon should perform the procedure you desire on at least a weekly basis. You surgeon should be willing to show you before and after plastic surgery pictures of his patients. The more plastic surgery pictures you can see the better. You should have an opportunity to talk to other patients of your surgeon.

Where you surgeon performs plastic surgery is a very important safety factor. Of course, having surgery in a hospital provides the safest possible environment. For this reason, I perform most of my surgeries at the hospital where my office is located. In addition, many of our plastic surgery patients have an opportunity to spend the night after surgery in the hospital. This is a particularly good option for patient who live further away or undergo combined surgical procedures. These patients typically stay in a private room where they are cared for by experience nurses. The next day I visit my patients in their room before they are discharged home. Many Los angeles plastic surgeons perform surgery at surgical centers. Surgical centers that have proper state or national accreditation also provide safe environment to perform outpatient plastic surgery.

It is important to assure that patients do not have any serious medical conditions prior to undergoing plastic surgery. In my practice, any patient who is over 45 years of age or has medical problems will need to be evaluated by a primary care physician or a cardiologist prior to surgery. My goal is to provide every patient with a plastic surgery procedure that is effective and safe.